10 Questions to Help You Set Goals with Your Partner


Happy New Year! The turn of a new year, new month, or even a new day, can bring a spark of new hope and motivation! As you are getting into the new year and planning on all the ways you will be a better you, I want to remind you of how you and your partner can set goals for your relationship!

In this article we’ll discuss 10 questions to help you set goals with your partner.

Couples who take the time to share how they will support each other in individual goals and set goals for themselves as a couple, are more likely to experience a higher level of relationship satisfaction. Setting long term goals together also shares a sense of commitment and security in the relationship. ​

Here are some questions for you both to consider during your conversation:

We are most thankful for ___ happening in 2023.

We will improve __ in order to move past __ that happened in 2023.

We both learned ____ in 2023.

We are looking forward to __ in 2024 because this will mean __.

I will help you reach your goal of ___ because I know how important it is for you.

We will prioritize ___ in order to increase our connection.

We will show support to each other by doing __.

We will check in with each other every ___ to make sure the other person’s needs are being met.

We will do __ in order to reach our financial goals.

We will take care of ourselves by doing ____.

​​Remember that the way only way you will reach the goals you have set for yourselves above, is to have a plan of action to carry the goals out.

I have a step by step online course designed for couples to reach their goals together. This online course has downloadable couple worksheets and a video for you both to follow along. The worksheets are designed for you both to see how you differ and overlap, so that you know how to provide the support your partner needs. This online course is called Two Souls One Goal and can only be accessed through the Relationship Wellness Course – Bundle.

If you are interested in learning how to communicate about your goals and increase communication overall, consider booking a couples therapy session with one of our licensed couples therapists.


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